Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help


Note: Specific workflows may vary.

In the process of loading raw data, the system performs the following actions:

  • Reduces the raw data to produce point features and linear features

  • If the Adjustment box (under the field book name on the Survey tab) is checked, then the Least Squares Adjustment is applied.

  • Point and Linear Features, Setup, and Observation data are stored in the DGN. Please Note: Setups, Observations, and Control Points will be drawn to specific levels in the DGN file.

  • Linking Codes are processed to create line work (Linear Features).

  • Points and Linear Features are symbolized according to the Feature Style table.

  • A surface named ”All Field Books” is produced using the points and lines from the raw data.

Survey uses three (3) types of Linear Feature: Dynamic Link, Point List, and Graphic. These linear feature types are hierarchical. A Dynamic Link type can be converted to a Point List or a Graphic type. A Point List type can be converted to a Graphic type.

Linear Features, automatically generated through the use of one of the Linking Methods (Field Code, Consecutive, or Non-Consecutive), are created as Dynamic Link linear features and have a property type of GeneratedByLinking. These linear features are constructed based on the combination of linking and/or field codes and the order in which field points are collected. If a linear feature is started, it will link all subsequent points with same field code until it encounters another start or an end depending on the Linking Method used.